Lightning Strike Caught On Ring Doorbell Cam Starts Fire At Neighbors

The power of Mother Nature is enormous and when it's caught on camera, it's awesome!

The Rosenberg Fire Department was called to a house fire the other night cause be a lightning strike to the house. After further investigation, they found this video caught on the neighbors Ring Cam, showing the strike.

They shared the video on their Facebook saying:

"Our firefighters were called to a lightning strike tonight that set an attic on fire. This video was taken from a neighbor from across the street showing the exact moment the lightning struck the house. Thankfully no one was hurt and thankfully the fire was contained to only the attic. Be safe and always be vigilant especially during lightning storms."

I love seeing videos of nature. I'm kind of a weather nerd at heart. Glad everyone is ok and the house was saved! This is just wild to see!

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