Canadian Meth Smugglers Busted By GPS Fail

Two meth smugglers in Canada got busted by their GPS that apparently grew a conscience. They didn't end up in Calgary, instead they accidentally hit the U.S. border. #MoronMonday

The U.S. Customs and Border Protection Agency says Constantine Xethalis of Montreal had 10lbs of meth in his car when he accidentally hit the U.S. border. Him and an accomplice where attempting to drive the meth from Montreal to Calgary when their GPS had other plans. She probably wasn't tryna get caught up for some drug charges, cause she led them right to border patrol and an easy bust.

Maybe yall should learn how to read a paper map next time. Let's not forget to mention, your GPS can be tracked and used in the court as evidence too. MORONS!

Their excuse was even more moronic, they told police "we didn't know it was drugs". They claimed he promised a friend to take the package to Calgary to pay off a $2000 gambling debt. Riiiiiight!



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