A Gift Was Given In Honor Of Spencer Graves Mom From a Stranger

Spencer Graves received a card from Kelli, a Home Depot employee, and in it she talked about becoming a new listener to the show and what Spencer's story about his mom meant to her.

In her note Kelli says: "Hey there! I was listening to your show this week and you were talking about shooting with your friend and how generous you were with his son...sending $$ for a wedding gift. That was very thoughtful. I hadn't listened to the show much but then I looked you up and saw your story about your Mom. Consider this a #RandomActOfKindness for your selflessness."

Kelli made a $150 donation to Alzheimer's Association, Georgia Chapter and her employer, Home Depot, ended up matching it. Spencer gave her tickets to see Billy Currington as a thank you

Photo: @SpencerGraves

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