Woman On 4th Of July Beach Trip Has Embarrassing Swimsuit Fail

Don't be this girl! A woman vacationing at the beach this week for the 4th, found out in a really embarrassing way that her new swimsuit was showing her lady parts off, because she put it on completely wrong. She didn't figure it out until sharing a picture on Twitter.

Lyndsey was highly embarassed after being all excited about her new swimwear, only to basically show off her lady parts to everyone on the beach. Twitter user @EmmaMilroy shared a pic her friend wearing the suit (she's on the right) and her communication with the company who made it. "Hey, I wore that swimsuit today.. My vagina was hanging out constantly", she complained The Pear Swimwear company reviewed the picture and wrote back, "Hey Lyndsey, we're sorry you where embarrassed by your swimsuit. I've had a look at the picture you sent and believe you are wearing the suit upside down."

She had put the shoulder strap part through her legs, which is why it wasn't covering well. HAHAHA AWWWWKWARD!

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