Quick Thinking Bridesmaid Saves Bride-To-Be From Leg Amputation

When it comes to picking a bridesmaid…the decision could be as important as life and death…or loss of limb.

A bride-to-be in the U.K. had the misfortune of falling at her bachelorette party and broke her leg in four places.  She broke both bones in her leg in two places each. That’s quite a fall, right? But then her bridesmaid who also happens to be her sister, had the idea to straighten out her sister’s bent leg by pulling on it.

So now you’re thinking…she must have had some kind of medical training. Nope. None. But she did think that she should try to push it back into place.

Her move actually helped keep blood flowing to the leg and if she hadn’t, her sister Lula would’ve had to have her leg amputated. She had to wait six long hours for an ambulance because there was no loss of blood, so her bridesmaid’s quick-thinking really saved her.

Lula had to undergo a series of operations and now has pins in her leg and had to hobble down the aisle on crutches, but she says, “It’s a small price to pay to still have my leg intact.”

Photo: Getty Images

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