Woman Leaves A Note After Scratching A Car And Gets Quite The Response

Man and woman looking car after accient.

Anyone who drives a car has probably had their vehicle dinged by another car that drove away leaving the evidence behind. But one person decided to take ownership of her mistake, and was definitely rewarded for it.

And while it was just a little scratch, she decided to leave a note for the owner of the truck with her number, and the driver’s response is sure to put a smile on your face. 

Instead of getting angry, the driver told her that it was no big deal, and the scratch could easily be buffed out, and then thanked her for leaving the note. She then offered to buy him the buffing supplies, but the truck driver wasn’t having it. Instead, he suggested they use the money for someone else, noting, “whether it’s a gift for a friend or a complete stranger, if you could pay it forward I’d appreciate that.” 

Photo: Getty Images

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