Atlanta Man Plans To Open a, First of It's Kind, Pitbull Sanctuary

Having never met Jason Flatt, I know little about he and his mission, but what I do know is the man loves pitbulls and wants to help change the narrative on "Atlanta's Favorite Breed of Dog," according to

Flatt plans to start a "first of it's kind" sanctuary for pitbulls. With finances from donations, Flatt was able to purchase a 46 acre area of Paulding County. "Every dog will have a 40-foot run, half covered, half concrete, half open, half grass. We are going to have a vet area, indoor play area, pool for the dogs," Flatt said. Flatt plans to find homes for the sanctuary's residents but only if the home is the right fit, otherwise, the pups will live on the property with him.

Photo: Getty Images

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