Guys Robs Charlotte Bank He Worked For, Then Posted Selfies With It

Let's say you decide to rob a bank, posting selfies with it, like a rapper at a strip club, probably not the best plan! Guy from Charlotte, NC easily just made it on the #MoronMonday list and his stupidity went even further.

Arlando Henderson worked the vault for Wells Fargo in Charlotte, North Carolina. Over time, he stole over $88,000 by embezzling it from the vault in small increments. That plan started out fairly good... but he didn't just lay low and quietly sit on the money when they noticed it missing. NOPE! Why wouldn't you take selfies with it, like its a phone you're talking into? Rappers do it all the time to show they're "ballin" right? (P.S. most of that money you see like that... isn't real)

Henderson, not only posted selfies with stacks of the cash on social media... he also shared details of how he took the money?! WHAT!?

Dumbest..... Criminal.... Ever.

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