2 Papuan Men Refuse To Remove Large Gourds That Cover Manhood In Court

It's a bit odd in most cultures to be naked and only covered by a large gourd over your junk in a court of law, but 2 activists in Indonesia are calling the court racists for asking them to put on pants.

Papaun Activist, Ambrosius Mulait said that this garb is one that is part of his identity and tribe he is part of. Both where in court wearing the traditional tribal head gear and large phallic gourd over their penises. Mulait told Daily Mail, "We have been the victims of racism outside the court and now we have fallen victim to racism inside the court,'" he said.

They are both on trial for treason in Indonesia but the judge refused to continue with the proceeding unless the put on pants. They where two of a dozen arrested during a protest at the Presidential Palace where they raised the Papuan flag, which stands for independence. It's also illegal and considered treason to fly the flag in Indonesia.

I don't think the flag being risen was the biggest concern on court day though, there were other large objects raised high in the air that distracted the court.

It took the pair several hours to agree to finally put on pants so that the trial could continue.

I mean you've got to give it to them, that took some balls to stand up for what they believe in.

(Source: Daily Mail)

(Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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