Powerful Georgia Storm Throws A Tree On The Interstate During Rush Hour

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Crazy storms have swept across the U.S. this week, one scary moment had drivers swerving on I-285 as a large tree crashed onto the interstate during rush hour. The video is shocking!

WSB-2 in Atlanta, GA shared a video caught on a Georgia State Patrol dash cam showing a massive tree nearly taking out several vehicles on the interstate, when high winds and thunderstorms swept through the area. Major flooding on roads, small tornadoes touching down and ripping apart homes, and many trees down across the state where left in the wake of the massive front.

You can see one car swerve at the last minute, narrowly missing being smashed under the tree. WSB-2 reported,"Thankfully the driver did not suffer any serious injuries. The tree fell during severe storms which caused damage and floods across metro#Atlanta. ⛈️ " in their post.

Not everyone was terrified by the storm though. This deer was seen frolicking in the puddles and having the time of his life by another news station viewer.

So cute! If we could all live life with a little more of this spirit when a storm hits.

(Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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