Marie Kondo Has Created Tips To Help Work From Home Better

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Separating work life and home life is tough these days, but professional organizer Marie Kondo has some ideas to help. These are good!

It can be really stressful trying to balance your work life and home life when they are in the same space. We are all finding this out quickly in this unprecedented time we are experiencing. Leave it to everyone's favorite organizer, Marie Kondo, to help out a bit. Here are some of the tips she's laid out, in her new book “Joy At Work: Organizing Your Professional Life, to make your life less anxiety filled and more productive at home.

  • Make your space matter, re-think where your store things to make them easier to find.
  • Find rituals to help you get into work mode, and times to separate work and home.
  • If your partner is messy, give them a separate tray so they don’t clutter your space
  • Find peace before your start working, and focus on your accomplishments when the work day is over, instead of what you still have to do
  • Figure out which kids bring you joy, get rid of the others…. Ok may have made that last one up

I've struggled a lot with having 3 kids, and them seeing Daddy home, but I can't give them attention. I've tried setting work hours for myself and not working over, as much as I can. I also take at least an hour during lunch to eat with them and play a little bit outside. I want to give them the time they deserve and it gives me a mental break for a few, then I can come back refreshed.

I've also found, doing some work when they kids are in bed in the morning or at night helps. I get so much more done, because there are less distractions and noise. I can 100% focus and knock out things on my list quicker. That gives me the ability to take longer breaks when they are up and wild!

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