Florida Family Has Fighting Alligators Knock On Their Door

Imagine waking up to go grab coffee...knock on the door.... OMG!!! IT'S 2 MASSIVE ALLIGATORS FIGHTING! They caught it all on video.

That's what happened to a Florida family who shared the video to social media. Susan Geshel from Fort Meyers, FL got the shock of her life when she saw the massive creatures on her door step.

Geshel told The Fort Meyers Press that at 7 am she found one of the gators with it's snout pressed against the door, while the other stood at a distance ready to fight. They spent about 20 mins on her property before strolling off into the sunset.

According to wildlife officers, May and June is mating season for gators and they are seen more often in public places. NOPE NOPE NOPE!

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