Georgia H.S. Principal Is Demanding Answers For Racist Picture In Yearbook

In Suwanee, GA a principal just came across an extremely racially offensive yearbook photo that ended up in the printed book. She's now apologizing and investigating how it happened.

Collins Hills principal Kerensa Wing sent out a letter to parents, after seeing a racist photo in the newly printed yearbook. She wrote, “This is unacceptable, and we are currently investigating to determine who submitted this photo and how our processes did not address this before it went to print.”

The photo is photoshopped with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and a student holding a book that reads "Official N-Word Pass", as the title.

Graduating senior Aaliyah Williams told WSB 2, “I’m excited for the yearbook. I get to see all the exciting memories and I open the book and I see this. And it’s like, wow! It hurts me to the core,” Williams said. “Of everything that’s going on right now, that shouldn’t be a joke. It shouldn’t be a joke right now. It’s nothing to play around with.”

This is astonishing that something like this could make it to PRINT in 2020. Not one editor or teacher caught this?! It's disgusting that some students would think this was funny, for one. but THEN, go as far as to put it in a published yearbook.

The full letter to parents and staff is below:

"I am reaching out to make you aware of a disturbing issue involving our school yearbook. The yearbooks arrived this week and we began distributing them when it was brought to our attention that it includes an inappropriate and racist photograph. This is unacceptable and we are currently investigating to determine who submitted this photo and how our processes did not address this before it went to print. Once this investigation is completed we will take appropriate action with those involved. In our initial investigation, it appears that some of the pages planned for the yearbook were not finished prior to our students moving to digital learning. As these photos were not available, the yearbook company replaced those pages with senior selfies that had been submitted."

(source: WSB-2)

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