Pettiest Neighbor Award Goes To Man Who Refused To Mow Part Of Shared Lawn

(Photo by FOX from Pexels)

What's the pettiest thing an obnoxious neighbor has done to you? This one is pretty hilarious.

We've all got a neighbor or two that we may not get a long with. When your units are attached, it takes things to another level.

Twitter user @Chialton shared a photo of the lawn he shares with his neighbor in a duplex. It's since gone viral, because his neighbor's pettiness level it at 100 with this ridiculousness. He left about 2 strips of tall grass next to the neighbor's door when cutting his lawn. Matty wrote "Next door with top class grass banter." and shared the photo of the lawn. It has since gotten over 100K likes and thousands of shares.

The thread is absolutely hilarious with comments about this level of petty from a neighbor.

Someone wrote, "Put A Keep Off The Grass Sign Up"

Another user said, "serial killer behavior that".

Some people where even asking for updates on how this turns out, "Glorious pettiness in it's finest hour. Stand back and soak it in people. Also we will need updates to see if this pettiness is cut short or grows like an untouched jungle. Look forward to your update "

This has to be my favorite comment, "you need to knock and see if you can borrow his lawn mower."

It seem that Matty has decided to leave it for a while and continue the petty fight. He wrote, "Decided i'am going to leaving it, when their grass grows back I'll mow mine. I will like this game."

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