Happy Opening Day! Check out this montage of amazing MLB stars reciting the iconic "Field of Dreams" speech.
The 2020 baseball season just kicked off today, and it's never been so needed. Even though we can't be in the stands or try to heckle the other team, it a semblance of "normal" that we all crave. America's past time gives our anxiety during 2020 a little rest, as we watch our heroes take the field and play the game we have loved for hundreds of years.
Baseball is the sport that has always united us as Americans. It's a symbol of our pride and something Americans have always held as a staple of our culture. The movie "Field Of Dreams" reminds us of that history and passion we share for this amazing sport.
Some of our 2020 stars from all the MLB teams helped recite the iconic scene in that movie and it's EVERYTHING!