$1.5 Million COVID Mask Is World's Most Expensive


An Iranian Jewelry company was asked to make an 18-karat diamond mask for a high dollar buyer. You've got to see this ridiculous thing.

The unnamed Chinese businessman living in the U.S. apparently couldn't look like all us peasant with our cloth masks on, he wanted to drop $1.5 million on a custom made mask to protect him from the pandemic of 2020.

The mask weighs just over 1/2 a pound and features 3,600 white and black diamonds placed within 18-karat white gold. It also features the latest N-99 filter mask technology.

Designer Isaac Levy said in an interview with Hindustan Times, “Money maybe doesn’t buy everything, but if it can buy a very expensive COVID-19 mask and the guy wants to wear it and walk around and get the attention, he should be happy with that,” Levy said. He was also very happy that the mask purchase helped supplement his employee's income in this challenging time.

Many are thinking about how this is an exorbitant waste of money, but consider this... when he still gets COVID because his ridiculous diamond mask doesn't keep out the disease, he can't take that money with him anyway.

I'm kidding. I don't wish illness or death on anyone. I just hate seeing people waste so much money on something so unnecessary, while there are starving, impoverished people across the world that it could help. I just watched a program about people in a 3rd world country, who live in makeshift shacks, while they're children pick through garbage to make a couple dollars a day. Imagine what $1.5 million dollars could do for them and how many lives it would save.

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