Georgia Teachers Go Viral With Back To School Rap

(Photo: Getty Images)

Two Albany teachers from Monroe Comprehensive High School are feeling the viral fame and picking up a little cred from students, after they're "What's Poppin (Teacher's Edition) has virally taken off.

Audrianna Williams and Callie Evans have gather over 60,000 views in a few days and showed off their rap/dance skills in a new Back to School version of a popular rap song "What's Poppin". It's really popular on the Tik Tok app but this takes it to another level.

Jamel Overstreet did the video work for the song and told ABC News, “I knew that it was going to get a lot of attention in the community and where we are locally -- but I didn’t know it would get this big on a national level."

The duo used cheer coaches and students to help as back up dancers and it's all so EPIC! They knew some students are skeptical and worried about the virtual learning so they created lyrics to encourage students to get excited for the school year and virtual learning.

Praying for everyone of our kids in Georgia and across the nation. Hope they stay safe and healthy and this school year turns back into some normalcy soon!

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