FGL's Tyler Hubbard Caught On Door Cam Wiping Out

Tyler Hubbard of FGL is nursing a broken foot from a dirt bike accident, and just took a hard spill off his front stoop on his medical scooter.

Luck is not on Tyler's side right now. He seems to be finding all the ways to hurt himself recently, which is worse, because his wife is due with their new baby any day. Hubbard has to pro his casted foot up on a little scooter as he moves about, and navigating some steps and stoops can be tricky.

Over the weekend, he shared the front porch fail that he had. It was caught on his front door cam and too funny!

“Yup, it’s still 2020 and I just had another piece of humble pie.@hayley_hubbard and I laughed until we cried watching this last night… after the pain wore off. EFF ME,” he captioned the video.

Tyler said it was horrible pain because, as he fell, he caught himself with the injured leg. You can hear him grunting in pain as he pick himself back up. OUCH!

Tyler had some fun with his new non-motorized cart. He made it into a mic stand too.

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