Dad-To-Be Takes Crotch Shot After Gender Reveal Fail

A happy couple in Massachusetts had explosive tubes that explode in the appropriate color when fired for their gender reveal, but Dad caught a crotch shot holding it wrong. #Fail

This may be the last baby for this Dad-to-be, who obviously didn't read the instructions on how to hold the cannon, when you twist it. He may not be able to produce anymore after this mishap. Both Mom and Dad where holding it wrong. Fortunately, Mom was holding it to her side, Dad wasn't so lucky.

Tom Cressotti and his wife, Kristin are now going viral for the gender reveal fail that had Tom bent over in pain from hitting himself in the junk. His daughter almost turned into a smurf too from all the blue powder.

I think I've watched this about 100 times and it just keeps getting more funny.

Many people have started arguing against gender reveal parties after one was found to be the cause of one major California wild fire, when they used pyrotechnics.

I think they are fun parties and gives people a chance to share joy with family and friends about the new baby. Let people have them, if they want. We should probably just stop with the pyrotechnics or explosives.

When we did one for our son, we had everyone hold a shot and take it at the same time. To determine what the sex of our baby was, you either tasted blueberry vodka or bubble gum. For those that didn't drink, we had a black balloon to pop with colored confetti. It was a big hit!

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