TODAY - October 5 - is the deadline to register to vote if you live in GA!

Election day is Nov. 3 but TODAY October 5 is the deadline to register to vote in Georgia!

Georgia offers online voter registration. You can register by mail to vote in Georgia by printing a voter registration form, filling it out, and mailing it to your local election office. You can also register to vote in person if you prefer. You can check your registration status here

Registration deadlines

Online: Oct. 5

By mail: Postmarked by Oct. 5

In person: Oct. 5

Absentee ballot deadlines

Request: Received by Oct. 30

Return by mail: Postmarked by Nov. 3 by 7:00 p.m.

Return in person: Nov. 3 by 7:00 p.m.

Early voting

Oct. 12 - Oct. 30, but dates and hours may vary based on where you live

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