"Cookie Poll" Has Clear Front-Runner In Election 2020

A Pennsylvania bakery's "Cookie Poll" has correctly predicted the last 3 elections... so who is leading 6 to 1 in this years poll? #Election2020

Bakery owner Kathleen Lochel has been holding her election "cookie poll" for the last 4 elections in the U.S. and says it's pretty accurate so far. Lochel said there is no political statements with her poll, she just wants to give a fun outlet for customers. during the elections. She's also very thankful for the rush in business during a hard year.

People have been coming in droves, even out-of-towners are excited to grab their favorite cookie.

It looks like Trump has a massive lead on his opponent in this highly scientific poll. “Right now, Donald Trump is still in the lead,” she said. “We’ve sold about 28,000 [Trump] cookies to 5,000 [of Biden’s]," Lochel told Fox News. They will take a finally tally at close of business today.

If you are now all angry and ready to complain about a cookie poll, maybe you should re-evaluate your emotional investment here. It's just cookies, it's just for fun. I think it's a neat idea and very creative for a local family owned business to draw revenue. I applaud them.

Remember, the election tonight is out of your control tonight. You've voted and now it's up to how the votes land. What you can control is your attitude, emotions and how you treat others moving forward. That will make a bigger change in your immediate world, than any election.

God Bless the U.S.A.

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