Top Election Night Google Searches Involved Liquor and Fries

During stressful times, Google comes in handy as a tool for quick remedies and distractions. As the nation watched the Election results unfold Tuesday night, the stress we’ve all been under was made abundantly clear. According to Google Trends, searches for the phrase “liquor stores near me” spiked to an all-time high, with the most traced to Delaware, Maryland, Tennessee, and Georgia.

Other big searches that trended were seeking “fries near me” and “move to Canada.” Overall, the least stressed out states, based on the Google searches, were Hawaii, Maine, Nebraska and Iowa.

And PS, there was a non-Presidential vote that garnered some attention on Google, as well. As the good citizens of New Jersey voted to legalize marijuana, Google spikes in people searching the phrase “how to roll a joint.” During a four-hour period on Tuesday night, there was a 2,800% increase in searches under that term. Also coming on strong, were searches for “when will weed be legal in New Jersey?”

If I had to guess Top 5:

  1. Liquor Store
  2. Fries (Food)
  3. Xanax
  4. How Do I Disappear
  5. Canadian Citizenship

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