Atlanta PD Introduces 1st Emotional Support Dog

Nothing quite like a wet nose kiss when life gets stressful. The Atlanta Police now have a fury friend named "Scout" for just those moments.

Police departments across the country have one of the toughest years in recent history. Many officers just have to "suck it up" or try to be act tough when anxiety hits it's peak and the weight of the world feels like it's on their shoulders. The have department counseling but now they've got a new friend roaming the halls to rest on, when things get tough.

With a video released of their new emotional support dog, The Atlanta PD wrote on twitter, "Scout provides instant therapy by elevating moods, relieving stress, & lessening anxiety. Thank you to Major Browning for creating the PAWS Unit during challenging times. We will have more Scout stories soon!"

He's highly trained in therapy and super adorable too. I love this idea!

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