Kristen's Weekend In 5 Pics: The Real Deal Version

We finally got some nice weather last week. And perfect timing because Spring Football is in the air in Georgia! My ex-husband is he head coach at Cass High School in Bartow County. My oldest son, Connor, is an assistant coach there too. After a couple of weeks of practice, the Cass Colonels hosted Paulding County in a little Friday night scrimmage. Football games are one of the few times I can wrangle my family together at the same time. And before you ask, my ex-husband and I are still incredibly close (a little weird to some, but very normal for us). The two big things I took from the night were that I'm so ready for football season AND flip-flops were NOT a good choice. The minute the sun went was COLD!!!!!

One of my girlfriends texted me on Saturday to let me know she was craving nachos and needed to talk. I had zero plans for the evening so it was perfect timing. As we were being seated I told her I had a cruddy day. She said she was struggling with some stuff too. She immediately reached into her purse and pulled out a pack of tissues. She threw one on the table and I just looked at her and asked what I was supposed to do with it. She said, "I'm just putting it on the table in case one of us needs it."

We talked about so much. This is one of those friendships that always cranks back up around summertime because things start to slow down a little bit for both of us. It's so funny how you can put something on a calendar and it's okay fun. But those last minute dinners are always so good for the stomach AND the soul! And there's nothing better than a "thumb selfie"!!!!

I woke up bright and early on Sunday (one of the perks of a morning show schedule) and decided to go for a Sunday morning walk. I like hitting the pavement early because there are less cars whizzing by and you can actually hear nature (and yourself think). I started thinking about last weekend and the time I got to spend with my family for Mother's Day. It reminded me of a picture I took and then decided not to post. When I got home, I sat at the table and looked at the picture again on my phone. I decided to post it on Instagram with a declaration to do better and be better. The messages I received in return were so comforting. I realized I'm not the only one struggling with self-esteem issues. It's a reminder to me and hopefully those who read it to be kind to ourselves. See below...

A spring football game, dinner with a great friend, a good long walk and some self reflection. I also got to have lunch with my sister and her family and see my parents before dinner on Saturday. Sunday was spent at the pool. Woke up today (Monday) with a clear conscious and a sunburn! Have a great week!

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