Needed: Advice For Mom With Picky Eater

If you spend a good bit of time online, you've probably heard of Reddit. It's actually the seventh most popular site in the United States (according to Alexa).

If you're looking for a massive collection of forums where people can share news and content or comment on other people’s posts, Reddit is where you need to be.

Many of the posts fall under social dilemmas. That's where we found this letter from Hillary. She's a mom with a VERY picker teenager.

Like a lot of kids, my children are picky eaters, and my son is practically impossible. He’s 13 but only eats like four things, which means we are limited to where we can go to eat when he’s with us. Well, the other day we were out and starving and nowhere near any of the restaurants he likes, so we just sucked it up and went to a local pizza place, knowing he was going to be difficult. He likes pizza, but since it wasn’t a place he knew he refused to eat, and wouldn’t even taste it to see if it was okay. I had enough of his stubbornness and told him this was his only option and if he didn’t eat it he wasn’t going to eat that night. My husband thought I was going way too far, but I don’t think I’m being unreasonable. What do you think?

None of us have all the answers...and some of us need advice. Do you have any tricks or stories that worked for you?

I was the pickiest eater on the planet. Heck, I still am picky. But, in true Murphy's Law fashion, I'm also the mom to a very picky eater. I now know not to force or shove peas down the throat of a toddler. It was traumatic. Other than that...I don't know how to help Hillary. Do you?

Photo: Getty Images

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