Country Singer On Idol Gets The First Platinum Ticket

HunterGirl is the first to grab a new "platinum" ticket to skip the next round. Luke Bryan compared her to Miranda.

Luke Bryan was blown away listening to her sing "Riot". He actually said she was his "favorite country voice he's heard in 6 years" of doing the show. She grabbed the golden ticket to Hollywood of course with 3 yeses.

Even more shocking, this year for the 20th season, there is a Platinum ticket. That's get you a skip for the next round. Luke, Katy, and Lionel surprise HunterGirl at Luke's bar in Nashville to give her the first and only one so far.

Another country singer from Kentucky had an interesting Luke Bryan moment. Her mother got to cop a feel during her audition when she told Luke how in love with him she is. Maddie Bell Glidewell was a bold spirit and fun to watch but she didn't have the pipes for Hollywood. However, her mother had the greatest da of her life, when she got to rub on Luke and dance with him as he sang to her.

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