Man Awarded $450K By Company For Throwing Him A Birthday Party

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He told his boss his anxiety is terrible when he's center of attention so he DID NOT want a party at work.... his boss did it anyway. Why does that sound like an episode of 'The Office'?

Kevin Berling says he suffered a severe panic attack in 2019 working for Gravity Diagnostics when his company threw him a birthday party. Kevin told his boss that he wasn't into having a birthday party with co-workers because of his anxiety issues. His managers ignored his request and did it anyway. When he showed up and wasn't happy, he says they read him "the riot act" about how he "was stealing the joy from his co-workers". Michael Scott anyone?!

Berling went to his car, practiced breathing techniques, ate his lunch and then texted his manager, upset his request had been ignored. He then was made to feel terrible for having the panic attack. He was also told not to come back to work for a few days because of his actions.

Court Documents say, a jury awarded Berling $450,000 for the following:
“$120,000 in lost wages and benefits
$30,000 in future lost wages and benefits
$300,000 for past, present and future mental pain and suffering, mental anguish, embarrassment, humiliation, mortification and loss of self-esteem”

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