When Geese Attack: Woman Chased Down By Dive Bombing Goose

Photo: Getty Images

This is a hilarious viral video.... for everyone except the woman who thought she was about to die by goose attack.

Victoria Willard was at work when someone told her there was a goose in parking lot causing chaos. That's when she started recording as people walked up to the building and caught the angry goose in action.

There was apparently a nest close by and this mama goose wasn't taking any chances. As the woman ran in terror from the bird, another bystander pulled his car in-between her and the goose to get her out of the line of attack.

A follow up video by Victoria said the parking lot is much safer now, because the eggs have hatched an now mama just cruises the parking lot with her babies on occasion.

"Finally! Now we can get to work safely each morning," Willard wrote in the video caption.

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