The Future Is Here: Japanese Man Marries An Anime Hologram

The future is now.... a man in Japan married a hologram anime character.

Akihiko Kondo said Hatsune Miku is "the girl of his dreams. She saved me during my lowest point in life." The hologram computer program was literally the "girl of someone's dreams", as she was created as a anime character that sings and acts. Imagine someday being able to build your perfect wife or husband?!

Akihiko Kondo works as a school administrator in a Tokyo suburb and can't wait to be greeted by the love of his life, his wife, Hatsune Miku. When he walks in the hologram lights up no matter how bad of a day she's been having..... cause she's FAKE!

The computer unit he has in his house allows the hologram to recognize Kondo’s face and voice with its embedded camera and microphone and can respond with simple phrases and songs. She can pop up in any room in his house to be his companion.

At a young age, Kondo believed he would never find a forever love to marry. While mulling around on the internet it was love at first sight when he saw Hatsune Miku singing. That's when he said he became devoted to his virtual girlfriend who is famous worldwide.

I'm sure intimacy is not too easy being she's not a tangible object and I'm not sure I even wanna know how that works, but glass half full, if she gets a little testy and has an attitude that day... she's one power button away from calming down.

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