This stuff just eats me a live! DON'T BE A FREAKING MORON AND RISK YOUR KIDS LIVES!
Every year, it never fails, we see ridiculous stories about kids or pets left in sweltering hot weather to bake on a hot car. WSB-2 reported, a Roswell, GA woman was just arrested by police for leaving her 2 kids in 90+ weather to go shop in Dollar Tree.
Fulton County Sheriff's Office reports indicate that Eneilu Leon Espinoza shut her car off and locked it with 2 kids inside, while she was shopping. Police where called to the scene with reports of the hot car with kids in it, that when officers arrived on scene and quickly got them out.
Espinosa has been charged with two counts of cruelty to children in the first degree and two counts of reckless conduct. The kids where taken to the hospital for evaluation but no word on their condition has been released. It seems they are ok though.
Her mugshot is on this link with more info:
Nothing gets me more angered than this stupidity. Georgia temps have reached over 97 degrees with indexes at 110 this week. Be mindful of how fast your car can reach deadly temperatures. It can become suffocating really fast for animals and kids. We should punish these parents to the fullest extent. It's unacceptable.
Another report from WSB-2 gave tips on keeping kids safe in this heat:
“Kids should really drink a lot of water. Every hour, kids should be stopping for water or Gatorade drinks,” Dr. Sarah Lazarus of Children's Healthcare of Atlanta said.
Look for early signs of dehydration and overheating. “They may have muscles cramps, such as leg cramps. Kids are feeling really thirsty, that’s their own body is telling them they need to get more fluids in,” Lazarus told WSB-2. Get them out of the heat, put some ice packs on their armpits or on their back, and try cooling them down immediately.