Back To School "Mom Hacks" By a Mother Of Four

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"At Home With Shannon" shares practical helpful hack to get the tuff mornings with kids heading to school off on a good start.

Shannon Doherty, mom to Leontine (Lala), 8, Colton, 6, Fallon (nicknamed Peaches), 5, and Hunter, 3, shared some tips with Good Morning America that she uses with her kids.

She told GMA, "You go from summer to school and you need to get back into your routine. So it's really just being able to be efficient in the morning and being organized and getting as much done as you can because I really think your children being able to leave in the morning and head to school in a positive, good environment just makes the whole day that much better."

If you love organization or want to help make kids a little more self sufficient in the morning, she shares "Mom Hacks" in these videos:

Reuse what you already have

In the kitchen: Make a breakfast station

In the kitchen: Create a self-serve lunch system

In the kitchen: Be strategic about snacks

In the bedroom: Make mornings more organized

Got any helpful tips to add?

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