Ever Wondered What a Back Hole Sounds Like?

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NASA just released an actual sound from a black hole that they capture... and it's just as creepy as you think. Listen

No one knows what happens inside of a black whole or where it can lead, but the sounds are something out of a horror film. Like it literally should be in "Stranger Things"

NASA shared real sounds finally made audible from the galaxy cluster Perseus, 240 million lightyears away from Earth. Astronomers had previously discovered the sound waves, but it wasn't until recently they were able to create the sound with the waves.

Pressure waves are sent out the actually cause rippler in the hot gas. They take those ripples and translate them into notes that correspond with the wave. It's about 57 octaves below middle C. This normally isn't a tone the human ear can detect, but NASA scientists shifted the note to make it audible. They then amplified the sound and mixed it black hole data on file and came up with this eerie chorus.

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