The Quest to End Pancreatic Cancer - Maria Fundora of Purple Pansies

September is a month of hope for anyone affected by Pancreatic Cancer. The annual Pillars Of Hope Purple Pansies Gala for pancreatic cancer will take place Sunday, September 18th in Alpharetta, Georgia. This fabulous evening of food and wine will raise funds to assist families with Pancreatic Cancer and help find a cure by benifitting Purple Pansies.

Purple Pansies works year round in their mission to raise awareness for Pancreatic Cancer, fund research for early detection and assist families in many ways . The nonprofit organization was founded in 2007 by my friend Maria Fundora, owner of Casa Nouva Italian restaurant in Alpharetta, Georgia just outside of Atlanta. Following her mother’s death from pancreatic cancer, Maria said she felt the call to raise awareness and crucial research dollars for this chronically underfunded but deadly cancer. It started as a fund raiser at the restaurant and has now grown into a

Pancreatic cancer has the highest mortality rate of all cancers but receives only 6% of research funding.

Since it's beginning, Purple Pansies has raised over $3 Million dollars to fund research, clinical trials, early detection, and to aide families nationwide who have a family member suffering from pancreatic cancer and need financial.

This weekend's event is SOLD OUT but you can still donate or check out the online auction!

In my latest podcast, I spoke with Maria about Purple Pansies and the amazing strides the funds from this organization has helped occomplish in getting one step closer to saving lives diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer. The latest iniative it the Unfolded Protein Response Initiative (UPR) trial which could potetially kill cancer cells in 20 SECONDS!

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