It took several days and many emails before Lauren Brown, senior exec for a major company, realized her email name got changed to "poop your pants". Her child had accidentally gotten Siri to change to contact.
Brown's 7-year-old daughter Gracie said she was just trying to get Siri to call her "poop your pants" and didn't realize it had actually changed Mom's email. Brown didn't notice either, until she was CC'd on an email to a major client that was having an issue and saw the odd contact name, then a little investigating, realized it was now HER email name. I bet that got a bunch of laughs in the office. She probably still hasn't lived it all the way down.
Brown told Access Hollywood, "Some days you're on top of the world; other days, world knows you as 'Poop Your Pants.' You gotta roll with it all, right?"
I asked some of the OShow Family how their child had embarrassed them. These where pretty hilarious too!