The push to remove more confederate monuments continues to cause a heated debate, some are suggesting Britney Spears or Dolly Parton in their place.
Many people across the country feel like the confederate monuments are a symbol of slavery and honors a time when human rights where horribly violated and horrible atrocities where carried out by many of those depicted in the statues. Others argue it's a symbol of southern heritage and a moment in history, honoring men who fought for the country. Confederate flags have also been banned by Nascar and several other businesses in the wake of the current civil rights movement.
If you're wondering what some have in mind to replace them?.... How bout some country and pop stars? Several petitions have been started to Dolly Parton, and icon in Tennessee and country music, a statue in to replace many in the state. More than 4000 people have gotten behind a petition. The petition creator writes, “History should not be forgotten, but we need not glamorize those who do not deserve our praise. Instead, let us honor a true Tennessee hero, Dolly Parton.”
She is a pretty solid choice, if they need a replacement. She has done so much for the state of Tennessee beyond music, as well. both arguments but it seems inevitable that most are coming down.)
A similar stance in Louisiana, home of Britney Spears, 25,000 people have signed the petition that calls on the state's officials to "do the right thing: Replace Confederate statues with an actual Louisiana hero and influential human being, Britney Spears."
I mean... she's great but that's the best we got Louisiana? No Louis Armstrong, Jerry Lee Lewis, Tim Mcgraw? I mean "Oops, I did It Again" is not exactly a timeless gem. Besides, do we go with the "I'm a Slave" look, the Vegas Britney, or the shaved my head and stabbed paparazzi with and umbrella look?