These days... you can't be too careful with all that's going on in the world. Alabama police weren't taking any chances when 2 boxes showed up on the courthouse steps that no one claimed.
Tuscaloosa Police responded to a call about two suspicious packages sitting on the front steps of a federal courthouse in Alabama. They shared the odd scenario on Facebook. Around 8:02 a.m. Monday, Feb. 14, two employees called in the odd packages at the front of the building. Officers set up a perimeter and blocked the whole street, Court proceedings where halted, all to prevent cars and people from being harmed.
That's when the full Hazardous Device Unit showed to investigate the packages and find out if they where a threat or not.
Tuscaloosa Police wrote, “The investigation revealed the boxes contained what we have identified as a delivery order containing a Taco and Burrito Cravings Pack from Taco Bell. bIt had been customized to include an assortment of regular and Doritos Locos tacos, along with four beefy five-layer burritos.” Only real threat was to someone's colon but they disposed of the food, so everyone is safe.
The incident drew funny comments on socials:
“I think we need to have an internal investigation to find out if they really disposed of the food in the dumpster. I would have eaten it myself."
"Good job preventing a massive gas explosion."
“Although this is funny…you can never be too careful nowadays. Great work TPD!”