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Depp is testifying today that Amber Heard (or a friend) had pooped in his bed after a party and the maid found it.
The defamation trial has been getting so out-of-pocket the last few weeks. Amber has been showing up in matching suits to Depp. Heard has been ordered by the judge to prove her donation to charity during the divorce. During the trial, Amber keeping looking over at Johnny non-stop, while he doesn't even acknowledge she's there. Depp has shown proof that he was assaulted on several occasions by Heard, though she claims he was the abusive one. Now the poop mystery is center stage.
Johnny claims that Amber was having a birthday party in his downtown penthouse, when he left the party. The next day, the house cleaner called to inform him that someone had pooped on his side of the bed. Depp believe Amber or a friend did it in hopes he'd lay in it, as they had covered it up with sheets.
It was after this final straw that Depp said he knew they needed to get divorced.
He is suing for $50 million dollars saying she made false claims about him being abusive and other incidents that caused him to lost out on major movie deals.
All the way around it's just a s***y situation.