It's like a nightmare in real life. Bed bugs eating you alive while you sleep. One Georgia metro made the list of worst in the nation.
When you want a good nights sleep, you trust that there are no little critters taking a siesta with you. Orkin put together a list of the cities across the country that have the worst problem with bed bugs, and the results might surprise you.
The list of Top 20 cities in the nation for WORST bed bug infestations...Atlanta ranked up there.The ATL ranks 16th on a list of cities with the worst bed bug problems.
Here is what Orkin entomologist Ben Hottel had to say about spotting bed bugs in popular locations:
“Contrary to popular belief, bed bugs are visible to the naked eye, but are excellent at hiding. Involving a trained professional at the sight of a bed bug introduction is recommended. While it’s important to be aware of bed bug infestations within hotels, practicing precautions in other aspects of travel are also important. Taxis, buses and airplanes are also common bed bug hiding places, allowing these pests an opportunity to hitch a ride with unsuspecting travelers. Examining clothing and luggage regularly while traveling can help to catch a bed bug infestation in the early stages."
Full list of cities with the most bed bugs is at
Top 10 for the nation included:
- Chicago
- New York (+1)
- Philadelphia (-1)
- Cleveland-Akron, OH (+4)
- Los Angeles (+7)
- Detroit (-2)
- Indianapolis (-1)
- Baltimore (-3)
- Washington, D.C. (-2)
- Columbus, OH (-1)
Just be careful when taking a trip through these cities. You may wanna go ahead and pick a hotel with a few more stars.