You Choose The News for Wednesday 9/20/17

Woman Learns the Hard Way Not to Paint Her Face Pink – Jason’s Pick

A woman named Leah has learned not to have too much fun with a bottle of poster paint. And she learned it the hard way. She painted her entire face in pink glitter poster paint, because the label on the bottle said that it “washes easily off of skin.”

One important thing to remember is that poster paint and face paint are simply not the same thing.

The woman painted her face in pink glitter for fun, but when she tried to wash it off, the pink hue remained.

People on the internet were not exactly overflowing with sympathy for the woman.

People on Twitter reminded her that painting your entire face with a product labeled as poster paint—and not face paint—is perhaps more of a lapse in judgment than a labeling error.


What To Do Before Bed If You Feel Like You’re Getting Sick – Kristen’s Pick (WINNER)

Now that fall is here, cold and flu season is upon us once again. So when you feel that tickle in your throat and feel a cold coming on, don’t stay in denial because there are things you can do before you hit the sack for a night of stuffy-nose sleep that can help cut off that illness that’s trying to creep in. Here’s what to do before bed to fight it off.

  • Take a hot shower - It makes you feel good and could even help stop a cold from developing by clearing nasal passages.
  • Gargle with salt water - In one study of 400 unhealthy subjects who gargled with salt water for 60 days during cold and flu season, upper respiratory tract infections went down by 40%.
  • Get in bed a little early - We all know how important it is to get enough sleep, but it’s even more important when you’re under the weather. Sleeping poorly can negatively affect your immune system leaving you more susceptible to infections and disease.
  • Stay hydrated - Get it from a cup of warm soup, a mug of hot tea, or plain ol’ water, and your body will thank you for staying hydrated when you’re feeling sick.
  • Make sure you’re eating enough, and make it healthy - You might not feel like eating much when you’re coming down with something, so it’s important to focus on getting plenty of immunity-boosting foods, like chickpeas, crushed red pepper, dark leafy greens, and garlic to help you fight off those infections naturally.
  • Try some apple cider vinegar - It doesn’t taste great, but fans of apple cider vinegar swear it helps clean out your system and it does have a ton of vitamins and minerals in it, so you could give it a try to keep sickness away.

Source: Hello Giggles

Camera With Wedding Photos Washes Up On Beach – Producer JD’s Pick

After a picture perfect wedding in Laguna Beach, California, high school sweethearts Heather and Kole and their guests put their cameras and purses on a sea wall close by. But the bride and groom were devastated when a wave splashed up and took everyone’s gear down with it.

Despite their best efforts, the couple couldn’t find the camera which contained the once-in-a-lifetime photos from their wedding and it was lost at sea. Or so they thought.

Alex Noble was walking down the beach two months later when he stepped on the camera. He enlisted help from someone who was able to extract 172 wedding photos from the sandy camera. After sharing them on Facebook, a friend recognized the bride and the newlyweds got some of their pictures back.

“There are not enough words to say how grateful we are,” Heather says.

Source: Inside Edition

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