You Choose The News for Monday, January 7th 2019



Is “screen dipping” causing problems in your relationship? It’s an all-too-familiar scenario … You and your significant other decide to snuggle on the couch and watch a movie together. But then you notice that he or she keeps looking at their phone. That’s “screen dipping” – or the act of “dipping out” of one screen and onto another screen – like your phone. It’s basically the screen version of “phubbing” or snubbing someone in favor of your phone.

So why is “screen dipping” bad for your relationship? Because, just like phubbing, screen dipping basically says you’re choosing your phone over the person you’re with. Yes, it’s different from looking at your phone when you’re having dinner or a conversation with someone, but when you’re watching a show or movie with someone, you’re supposed to be doing this together. And according to a study, choosing your phone over your partner leads to more fights and less satisfaction with your relationship. 



Jose cheated on his wife.  So the only way to make it up to her was to get a tattoo.  Are you ready for this?

Jose L. Torres got a lengthy mea culpa inked on his torso just after New Year's.

An image of the tat, in which he owns up to being a 'liar' and a 'cheater,' has gone viral, earning derision, laughter, and face-palms aplenty on social media.

The man was clearly no stranger to tattoos, and already had his own name written over his belly button — but this new one is likely to be much more problematic than his past ink.

In a message written from nipple to nipple and down to his navel, it reads: 'I, Jose L. Torres am getting a tattoo voluntarily on January 2, 2019 so that I can earn my wife's trust back for the pain and suffering I have cause in our marriage.

He then goes on to list that he is a 'liar,' 'cheater,' 'manipulator,' 'deciever,' 'w****/prostitute lover,' and 'dishonest and disrespectul.'

Many people were quick to point out the many inaccurate spellings included in the lengthy tattoo, with one person questioning: 'Didn't you double check and treble check the spelling??'

For that, the tattoo artist clarified that he didn't know about the misspellings and as presumably just copying exactly what the client had written.

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