Small, Easy, Surprising Ways to Improve Your Mental Health Every Day

When life feels stressful and chaotic, it can start to feel like the walls are caving in. 

But there are some small steps you can take to improve your mental health every day!

 Thanks to BuzzFeed, here they are!

  • Turn off your phone for a set amount of time. You need a break, so go with it. Oh, and add social media to this one.
  • Sip a warm beverage. The warmth with make you feel less stressed.
  • Hug someone you love. No brainer here.
  • Say something nice to a stranger or acquaintance. Being nice makes a person feel good.
  • Hang out with animals or watch pet videos. Science has proven our pets relax us.
  • Donate to a charity you love.
  • Take a walk. By yourself, with a friend, or with a pet! The exercise and the fresh air will do you a lot of good.
  • Pamper yourself. Get a mani-pedi or slip into your favorite jammies after work. 

See the full list here.

(Getty Images)

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