This story is not for the faint of heart! Seriously, if you have a sensitive stomach TURN AWAY NOW!
Are you sure you wanna keep reading?
Are you really sure?
Okay here goes. A 16-year-old in Australia says he didn't feel a thing when he had his feet in the ocean at Dendy Street Beach in Brighton. But when he emerged from the water, it was like a scene out of a horror movie.
Mysterious sea creatures had been biting and burrowing into his ankles, leaving him bleeding profusely.
His parents rushed him to a nearby hospital where doctors were absolutely baffled by the bizarre injuries.
Later, the teen's father went back to the beach armed with a net full of meat to see if he could capture whatever had attacked his son.
Seriously I need to stop typing this story, I'm gagging. I'm going to vomit all over my computer and my boss will definitely not like that! So here's the video and some really gruesome photos of the injuries. Grab a trash can: