This Is What Our Hands Could Look Like If They Evolve for Smart Phones

Ready to have some serious nightmares?

An evolutionary biologist teamed up with a London-based company called Broadband Choices to produce these concept images of how the human body would need to evolve to comfortably use smart phones. Fortunately, it's extremely unlikely that this will happen.

"As for the way the human hand could change with continued mobile phone usage, I understand and agree with the vision that the thumb muscles could stretch and bones potentially curve to allow easier access to the bigger screens on smartphones. I also see how it could come about that the little finger could curve for ease of holding the phone, along with a potentially increased surface area on the pads of the third and fourth fingers. However, this would take many, many generations, and it is very likely that mobile phones will no longer exist by that point in the course of human evolution."

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