This really is the most wonderful time of the year, except when we overdo it. Between the eating, drinking, shopping, and Christmas cocktailing we do, it’s way too easy to end up bloated and exhausted.
So Purewow put together this great list to help you avoid that and stay healthy this holiday season! I don't know about you, but I'm saving this page and rereading it every week until January!
- Fill your plate wisely - With so much good food around all the time, it’s easy to overdo it. But if you’re trying not to go overboard, only indulge in the eats that really make your taste buds light up and skip the rest. You won’t feel like you’re missing anything when you’ve got a plate filled with foods you love.
- Be smart about your cocktails - As if all the desserts weren’t bad enough, this season’s non-stop cocktails are hard to resist too. So if you’re trying to avoid the bloat or the guilt of another night of too much sugar, pass on the eggnog and have a cocktail made with sparkling water or a wine spritzer instead.
- Explore new exercise options - When it’s cold outside and you have a million things on your to-do list, it’s easy to justify skipping spin class again. But your body needs some stress relief and you need to work off that pie, so find some form of fitness that you’ll be excited to show up for during the holidays and make it a priority.
- Take a probiotic - Good gut health is important, so take a probiotic to balance out the bad and boost your immunity, too.
- Don’t forget about you - There’s so much going on during the holidays that it’s easy to put yourself at the bottom of the list. But being selfless doesn’t help you here. So take a walk around the neighborhood to unwind and clear your head, or grab a book and a cup of coffee alone - anything that makes you happy and gives you a little downtime is all you need.