

Otis is a Hall of Fame broadcaster who lives and breathes music, it's even tattooed over his heart. He's a proud dad of 3 beautiful kids (2 boys, 1...Full Bio


Casey Anthony's Latest Statement Will Give You Chills

Casey Anthony became "the most hated mom in America" during her trial 9 years ago. She was accused of killing her 2 year old daughter. She was later acquitted for the murder and no one has really been able to tell what happened to the little girl. 

It's widely believed by many, that the mother used chloroform to get her daughter to sleep and one night used too much and killed her. That was never proven in court. 

Anthony has been pretty quite over the past couple years and kept a low profile. She's speaking out now in an interview with By Josh Replogle from AP.  "I'm still not even certain as I stand here today about what happened," she told King.

Her other statements where a bit chilling, if you believe she did it (because there's really never been another scenario presented that doesn't implicate her in some way). She told AP that she "understands the reasons people feel about her, " but added, "I'm OK with myself, I sleep pretty good at night."

In my opinion, I think these tweets sum up my thoughts the best. 

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