A Chic-Fil-A employee's quick actions have him being hailed as a hero, after he saved the life of a choking boy. He literally jumped through the drive-thru window to help!
A Hall County Chic-Fil-A teen said he didn't really even think about it, when he hopped into action and cut a seat belt from the neck of a six-year-old boy, who had somehow gotten tangled in it and was losing air fast. Logan Simmons talked to WSB-2 about the crazy moment when he became a local hero. "You could see he was turning red and losing pigment in his face", Simmons told WSB-2 News, as the mother of the child was begging for help. Thankfully he was carrying a pocket knife and was able to cut the boy free and stop a possible tragic situation.
Now someon has started a Go Fund Me page for Logan because they found out he doesn't have his own car to get to work. "After connecting with Logan and his mother, we learned that Logan.... relies on his mother and siblings to get him to work every day," the GoFundMe says. "The goal for this GoFundMe is to raise enough money for Logan to buy himself a decent car that he definitely deserves!" So far, about $1,700 has been raised toward the campaign's $10,000 goal.
Shout out to Logan! Amazing way to react in a scary situation! You are a hero brother!