With people quarantined, animals are living their best life. This monkey in India found a kite, then took it to a roof and had a blast.
The streets of India have been pretty bare with people staying home more to fight COVID-19, so it's given animals a little more freedom to take over. This monkey figured out how to get a kite he found to fly around in the air. and it's adorable.
The mechanics of that seem pretty advanced, especially since you can see him even reel the kite back in and go for more.
The plant seems to be thriving while we sit back and take a break. Satellite photos recently showed the ozone layer healing itself, wildlife coming back to areas they've been distant from for years, and natural habitats growing back in place, with less human interference. Maybe we should take this into consideration, as we get back into our regular routines eventually.
(Photo credit: Getty Images)