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A woman on a flight from Tampa to Atlanta over the holiday was arrested after screaming at and assaulting another passenger that wasn't wearing a mask.
A video has surfaced of the verbal and physical assault when a woman on a Delta Airlines flight lost her cool because another passenger wasn't wearing his mask. If you notice, she took hers off to scream at him too... then spit in his face. I'm pretty sure that's very much against the COVID rules.
WARNING: Alot of explicit language!
Things got more heated when the seated man said "sit down KAREN!" and called her a "B**ch". That's when she slapped him and spit in his face. He then told her "you're going to jail".
When the flight landed in Atlanta, she was detained. She was identified as Patricia Cornwall at the gate. The FBI was notified, then Cornwall was taken to a domestic police precinct where they took custody of her. No word on if charges were filed but I'm guessing her Christmas didn't go as planned.
People are getting totally ridiculous these days on flights. It's like we completely forgot how to interact with other humans during lockdowns. It's a sad world. Disturbances and fights on airliners is on a major rise this year. The Federal Aviation Administration has received more than 3,400 reports of “unruly” passengers this year.
If you can't act like a grown-ass adult in public, please stay home. You're embarrassing all of us to the aliens watching.