Photo: Getty Images
So many questions here but the biggest is WHY?! Why would anyone wanna spend 7 days on their hands and knees pushing a peanut with their nose?
Bob Salem, 53, reached the top of Pikes Peak Friday, west of Colorado Springs, Colorado, to finish a feat that hasn't been done in over 93 years. The attempt was in honor of the Manitou Springs 150th birthday celebration and only 5 people have attempted the feat to this date. Salem is the first in the 21st Century to do it.
The previous record was 8 days but Bob was determined to beat that and said he did most of the work after dark. "When I did it in the daylight and stuff I'd have to stop every 10 minutes, five minutes, and take some pictures, talk to some people and do all that kind of stuff so it kind of dragged on the trip a little," he told
He didn't just do it with one single peanut though. He used over a dozen because many fell between rocks and got lost on the trail. Shockingly, crawling on his hands and knees for that long wasn't too painful for him. "I don't feel sore or anything but I know I lost some weight, " Salem said. "My muscles are fine, it was just doing the back and forth that really took it out of me," he said.
The biggest struggle was keeping hydrated during the trip. He didn't have any help as he thought he would to carry his bags and supplies. He had to do it all himself.
As for "WHY?" did Bob take on the challenge.... he told 9 News that he's not nuts just "eccentrically challenged."
I like the weird and the strange. I love local stuff," he says.
I'm gonna guess that's one record he'll hold for quite some time because it just seems RIDICULOUS to even try.
We found some pretty wild and dumb world records that Otis may try to break soon. Listen to the Moote, Kimmie, & Otis podcast: