The spirit of kindness is alive and well. And while any level of generosity is applauded and well-received, this woman goes above and beyond for another human being.
Last December, 57-year-old nurse Lori Wood was assigned to take care of Jonathan Pinkard, a 27-year-old man with autism.
It was a complicated case because Jonathan happened to need a heart transplant to survive – but was also not eligible to get that transplant because he didn’t have anyone to care for him after surgery.
Within two days of meeting Jonathan, Lori did the most logical – and generous – thing in the world. She offered to adopt him and become his legal guardian.
Everything worked out. A couple months ago, Jonathan received his new heart – and moved into Lori’s home.
Lori monitors his medications and gets him to his doctor appointments. She’s also teaching him life skills that he’ll need to live independently.
As for Jonathan … Well, he calls Lori “mama” and is well on his way to a full recovery at his new, stable, loving home.
Photo: Getty Images